
Weight Loss Procrastination – Are You Putting Off Losing Weight?

Weight Loss Procrastination

Procrastination can strike anyone, and is often a habit we develop over time, but like any habit, it can be changed. Procrastination is not so much a behavior as it is a way of thinking. The real problem is with your psychology and not with your behavior – the behavior is only the symptom.

To liberate yourself from procrastination you must liberate yourself from the inside. It’s an internal shift that’s necessary and once you make the internal shift, it will automatically spill over into your actions. Here’s 3 ways how to make that change…

1- Make A List Of What Needs To Change – Do you need to change your eating behaviour or start exercising? Make a list of what you need to do each day to get you closer to your fitness and weight loss goal but be realistic, you won’t lose 40 pounds to 2 weeks. Now that you have your list check off the tasks you complete throughout the day. This will give you a greater sense of progress and success and this sense of progress can become motivation foe you to continue moving forward and accomplishing more. Break it all down into small chunks. Dividing a big job into a series of smaller tasks will make weight loss seem less overwhelming.

2- Get Better At Time Management – One of the biggest reasons/excuses for not losing weight is not having time to exercise. But is this a genuine reason for not working out? If you consider that everyone has the same 24 hours to use in a day, your going to have to become a lot better at managing your time. If you think you’re short of time you’re going to have to set weight loss as a higher priority than some of your other daily tasks. Cut back on your daily TV habits or just get up earlier to give you more time. If you focus is losing weight you’re going to have to put it first instead of other less important daily tasks.

3- Ask For Help – If you’re a really bad procrastinator and feel you’ll never get a handle on your weight loss, ask for help. It could be with the help of a trainer or a best friend that has the same goals as you have. This way you’ve got a someone to back you up. You may be worried about hiring a trainer for the expense but don’t worry.  Most experts agree that it take 28 days to create a habit, and what you need is to create a new habit. After those 28 days you’ll have habit built that will carry you further along your weight loss path.

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